Monday, February 17, 2014

On Criteria

My hope in doing this Cannonball Read is to not revisit books I've already read. I may revisit that idea if I get way behind at some point, because it's certainly much easier to read a book you're already familiar with than one you aren't, but the idea is to read different books, not to come back to the same ones again. This does make the process more difficult, however, as I am not in easy possession of these books (I usually never buy a book I haven't already read). Unless it's a really unique book that I'm fairly sure I'll like (like S.), I generally won't have them on hand, so I have to get them from the library, and sometimes they have to be delivered from different branches, and sometimes I have to go on a wait list. Recommendations are also welcome, because there's a lot of books out there and many of them are terrible.

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